About Pam
It has been an amazing journey working with energy to clear out issues that have held me back. My goal was always to be spiritually clear, to let go of ego, and evolve as much as I possibly could. It has been wonderful to see how I have changed and become less reactive to life, more serene and at peace at the deep core level. Perhaps the greatest part of this journey has been the hundreds of others I have been able to share this gift with, allowing them to realize their infinite potential.
I am Certified in:
Matrix Energetics which uses quantum physics to facilitate change.
The Yuen Method of Chinese Energetic Medicine, a healing system which identifies and clears out beliefs, emotions and thoughts from the subconscious which are causing issues in our lives.
The Reconnection Healing and The Personal Reconnection which reconnect the body to the energy grid of the universe.
Living Essence Foundation, a state recognized religious organization. I am a certified spiritual counselor and an ordained minister. The focus of this work is enlightenment and letting go of all beliefs, thoughts and blocks that get in the way of living from a place of true clarity.
The Enneagram which is a powerful spiritual growth tool showing challenges and patterns based on nine personality types. I can help you determine your type and clear out the issues and patterns for that type.
Past Life Regression enables me to see past life issues that are affecting your life today. By looking at the past the pattern can release and symptoms will dissipate.
Shamanic Soul Retrieval, I bring back aspects of the soul which have split off due to a traumatic event. Bringing that part of the soul back gives one a sense of well being and wholeness. It releases a sense of feeling lost and always looking for something or someone to fill a void.
Family Systems work which shows connections with ancestors that cause us to diminish our lives as though we are suffering for them, even though we may have never met them.
The ReSet is a process by which I shift energy. I take an issue back before it manifested, dissolve every aspect of it, and release the patterns which have continued to cause issues.
When we energetically change our thoughts we change our reality. In my thirty plus years of study and experience I have learned that releasing issues from the past and present will let one manifest their dreams and desires. Our thoughts create our reality. I can help you change your thoughts.
Contact Me
cell/text: 949 525 2870 pacific time
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